Development Python tutorial: variables In Python, variables are created by writing their name and assigning with an equal ("=") the value or the expression that specifies this value. It is not necessary to specify the type of the
Development Python tutorial Python tutorial index: Hello word! Variables This tutorial is for python3 but is largely a reference to previous versions of python.
Development Python tutorial: Hello word We are going to make our first python program: our hello world using a python function called 'print' that shows in the execution console the text that is passed to it as an
Development How to fix jhipster error "Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './lib/util/namespace' is not defined by "exports" in /usr/lib/node_modules/generator-jhipster/node_modules/yeoman-environment/package. json" In a CentOS 8 with nodejs v18.15.0 and npm v.9.5.0 when running jhispter version 7.9.3 I get the error:[user@machine egeria-portal]$ jhipster INFO! Using bundled
Bugs and errors fix How to solve the error 'npm ERR! must provide string spec' when installing a nodejs package with npm If you get the following error when installing a nodejs package with npm such as 'npm install sqlite3':npm ERR! must provide string spec first run the following in the nodejs project:npm
Bugs and errors fix How to fix nodejs bash error: /usr/bin/node: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error This error:-bash: /usr/bin/nodejs: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error indicates that the nodejs executable installed in the linux distribution is not supported.In my case I have had this
Development How to make git not always ask for your username and password on your computer So that git does not ask you on your computer for the username and passwords every time it is required, you can cache it for a while with:git config --global credential.helper
Development Simlinks, hard links and junctions in Windows Simlinks: There is really only one directory or file in storage, and the link. The space required is not doubled.It is a direct access to a directory or fileIt can be done
Development JavaScript and its execution engines A JavaScript engine is a tool that executes JavaScript code.There are two types of JavaScript engines from the point of view of operation: runtime interpretes JIT: just-in-time compilation Runtime interpreters have less
Development Scopes and declaration of variables with var, let and const in JavaScript In JavaScript there are two main scopes where to locate the variables, and these scopes determine the accessibility to these variables:* global * local: no están accesibles desde el scope global A variable in
Development openssl - Linux man page with examples: example with command s_client and options showcerts, servername y connect Example with the command 's_client' of openssl to see the certificates of a domain. With the 'connect' option we specify the IP or DNS of the server we want to consult, the
Development openssl - Linux man page with examples NAME openssl - OpenSSL command line tool SYNOPSIS openssl command [ command_opts ] [ command_args ] openssl list [ standard-commands | digest-commands | cipher-commands | cipher-algorithms | digest-algorithms | public-key-algorithms] openssl no-XXX [ arbitrary options ] DESCRIPTION OpenSSL is a cryptography toolkit implementing
Development Using curl: proxy calls with user and password to URLs with basic authentication The way to use curl for calls to a URL that have basic authentication through a proxy with per-user authentication and password is as follows:curl -v -o /dev/null -x http://myproxy.
Development How to implement an angular custom pipe in a JHipster application Let's detail the steps to create a custom pipe in a JHipster 6.10.5 application with angular 10.0.0.We will define a pipe that converts a string into a kebab-case
Development How fix errors "No X11 DISPLAY variable was set" and "An error occurred: Can't connect to X11 window server using 'x.x.x.x:0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable" in ssh sesion with X11 forwarding I use Windows 10 as a working operating system but almost all the development operation and system architecture is done through Ubuntu and CentOS computers that I access by ssh, VNC or RDP
Development How to install kubectl with multiple versions to be able to manage different versions of kubernetes cluster with update-alternatives on ubuntu 20.04 I work with several clusters of kubernetes and each of it is of a specific version, therefore I need to have different kubectl. To manage this what I do is access https://github.
Development Avoiding unexpected errors: sudo with meta characters like asterisk, question mark and others When a command is executed with 'sudo' the metacharacters except the $ are escaped. This causes that command like the following that we think should work correctly gives unexpected problems:sudo ls -t /etc/
Development How to add to apache2 on Ubuntu 20.04 a new site configured to avoid cross domain errors using ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse In apache2 on Ubuntu, for example 20.04, if you want to add a new site or configuration for a site you must first define the site in a configuration file to be
Development How to update node with npm and the "n" module Whenever I have to update the node version I do it using npm along with module "n" although there are other options, but this one seems to me the most comfortable.Before upgrading
Development How to fix the Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/usr/local/bin/jhipster' when installing generator-jhipster library node with npm I found this error when creating a jhipster project with npm, and first trying to install the node generator-jhipster library with:npm install -g generator-jhipster The error detail is as follows:[operatorfeitam@dev01
Development How to allow access to the jBPM Git repository from a network interface other than localhost The jBPM 7.43.1 Git repository only serves localhost by default. If you have the jBPM server on a machine other than where you are developing, it is required to enable this
Development How to create a new maven archetype I am in a project that requires the use of jBPM and the technical approach is to have the different BPM processes deployed in containers. This forces me to generate many jBPM applications
Development Error installing eclipse on CentOS 8: No protocol specified. Unable to init server: could not connect: connection refused. Eclipse Installer: cannot open display If you are installing Eclipse on CentOS 8 and you encounter this error:/home/operatorfeitam/Downloads/eclipse-installer [root@localhost eclipse-installer]# ./eclipse-inst No protocol specified Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Bugs and errors fix Error while doing mvn install of nifi-1.11.4: Could not resolve dependencies for project ... was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of splunk has elapsed or updates are forced I am compiling nifi-1.11.4 with "mvn -T C2.0 clean install -Pinclude-grpc -DskipTests" to parse a problem I am having in the connectivity of the ListSFTP processor with an SFTP service
Development Maven error with jetty:run java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.apache.juli.logging.Log: org.eclipse.jetty.apache.jsp.JuliLog not a subtype The other day I found myself in a java project that was running locally with the jetty-maven-plugin and JDK 11.0.5, and it generated the error:[WARNING] Failed startup of context o.