Basic use of SCP to copy files and directories

I detail below how to make copies of files and directories using SCP from both remote host to local and vice versa, in all the examples I specify authentication using certificate with the -i option, if you want to use the user / password is to remove this option and the path of the certificate file. To copy directories use the -r option.

For those who use Windows as SO I use the command scp inside Cygwin (

The scheme of the command is:

scp options source destination

Both the source and the destination have a format:


If [username@host:] is not specified, this parameter refers to local, and if is specified reference to the remote host.

Copy file example from remote host to local:

scp -i cert adm@ /home/01234567/app1.log

Copy file example from local to remote host:

scp -i cert /home/01234567/app1.log adm@

Copy directory example from remote host to local::

scp -r -i cert adm@ /home/01234567/vms

Copy directory example from local to remote host:

scp -r -i cert /home/01234567/vms adm@